Maybe 2019 is your year to bust out the old longboard... or buy a drone. Photo by Jake Kin​.

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the final year of the 20-teens. When the new millennium began, I was only four, and only ever-so-vaguely remember the hype surrounding the beginning of the aughts - probably more from photo albums and reruns of old sitcoms than my actual first hand experience. No one knew what really to expect from this century, but predictions of vast technological advancement and political turmoil did seem to come true, even if our cars still don’t fly (yet). ​I recall that at the beginning of last year, I wrote a blog post with some guidelines, suggesting some nice ways to consciously make a difference in 2018. ​While I can’t say I was focused on these goals 24/7, I do feel that I remained aware of them throughout the year, and that they made a positive impact on my life. I will definitely be continuing to incorporate these resolutions this year and for years to come!

This year, I also want to try something new every month, and I urge everyone to do the same, in whatever capacity works best. This can range from anything as small as trying a new restaurant, to larger tasks like trying a new sport or overcoming a fear. Since I’ve returned home from my adventure around the world, I’ve spoken to a lot of people about the joys of traveling alone. For the most part, I get reactions along the lines of, “I could never do that,” but I’m telling you all now, if you want to go on a solo trip, there’s really nothing stopping you! I totally understand that it may not be plausible to just drop everything at home and set off around the world, but there is no harm in starting with a weekend away in another city or state, before taking on a big journey on your own. If traveling solo has always been something you’ve wanted to try, why not give it a go in 2019?

A lot of New Year resolutions I hear are to get more involved in some sort of outdoor activity. I know that sports like surfing, skiing, skateboarding, and snowboarding, while appealing, are rather expensive hobbies, a definite a factor prohibiting many people from diving in. However, I also know that within my age demographic, common ways of spending money, like a weekend in Vegas or a three day music festival can easily reach a total cost equal to a short trip to Mammoth, or exceed that of a brand new surfboard setup (board, fins, leash, and tail pad). Of course everyone is free to spend their cash however they would like, and I am in no place to tell anyone what to do with their earnings - I just want to remind you that it only requires one or two small sacrifices to provide you with the tools to pursue a fun sport on a regular basis! While this exact exchange does not necessarily apply to everyone, I encourage you all to follow your sports or exercise goals for the year, and if there is a financial block, before giving up, there’s no harm in taking a step back and seeing if you can make some sort of compromise with your other leisure activities.

This year, let’s all be bold and brave, trying new things and switching it up. No matter how extreme or minor your change may be, it can never hurt to add some more spice to your life!