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Mid-Length Surfboards

Mid-Length Surfboards

Wave Range: Knee High - Overhead

Wave Type: Beach Break, Points, Reefs

Fin Setup: Single Fin/Thruster/Quad

Best in Class: Mitsven, Blackbird, Stewart, Ryan Burch, Surf Tech, TORQ, Hansen

Mid-lengths are the perfect surfboard for anyone looking to transition from a longboard to a shortboard, or for any shortboarder who needs something to cruise on during those smaller summer swells.

Mid-lengths come in many shapes and sizes, from the modern day “Bonzer” to the increasingly popular egg-shape. One of the great things about mid-lengths is their versatility, as they can handle a variety of waves and come in pretty much every fin configuration under the sun. Whether you enjoy the more traditional pivot and trim style of longboards, the off-the-bottom vertical surfing of tri-fin shortboards, or the speed of modern quads, there is a mid-length for everyone.

Mid-lengths are well regarded for their ease of use and are suitable for everyone, from beginners to more experienced surfers. For anyone that is looking for the stability of a longboard but doesn’t want to deal with the additional length and weight, a mid-length is a great choice.

Many of San Diego’s most popular surf spots are waves that cater to more volume and bigger boards, as the waves tend to be on the softer side. Having extra foam under you will not only help you sit further out allowing you to catch the best waves, but will also add to the enjoyment of your sessions by upping your wave count.

If you think a mid-length might be the right board to take your surfing to the next level, or simply add a bit of fun to those slow summer months, Hansen’s experienced staff can help you choose the right stick for your quiver.

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