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Mens Springsuits

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    While winter can deliver large swells and plenty of stoke for San Diego surfers, spring often provides plenty of fun swell, warmer temps and good vibes. With the water and air temperatures rising, many surfers are looking to ditch excess neoprene and enjoy greater freedom of movement with a proper men’s spring wetsuit.

    A good springsuit is a great compliment to a men’s fullsuit, or for surfers who prefer the warmer waters of spring and summer, a great primary wetsuit for sessions during springtime’s longer days. The best waves are usually found in the early mornings or later in the evenings, when wind is minimal. With cold water temps still present and moderate air temperatures, a men’s springsuit is essential if you want to score.

    While men’s springsuits come in a variety of different options including: short johns, short sleeve and long sleeve wetsuits, most come in at  2mm or 2/1 in the thickness department. This is an ideal thickness for warmer spring conditions as it will keep your core warm while allowing for maximized mobility.

    Finding the right size and fit is still important when buying a men’s springsuit; however, with most springsuits, not having to worry about sleeve or leg length makes finding the right wetsuit easier. Most of the fit will be based on the fit in your chest and shoulders as sleeve and leg length isn’t as important of a factor.

    Spring sessions are all time, and with the right men’s wetsuit you can make sure that you can score from sun up to sundown. For more information, check out our awesome wetsuit buyer’s guide, stop in the store, or call us today.

    Hansen’s carries springsuits from Rip Curl Wetsuits, Xcel Wetsuits, and O’Neill Wetsuits. Stop in or find the perfect men’s springsuit online today, and enjoy all of spring’s epic vibes.