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Womens Fullsuits

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    While there are many factors in choosing the right women’s fullsuit, Hansen’s makes it easy for surfers and water enthusiasts of all levels to find the perfect fitting and functioning women’s wetsuit. When it comes to maximizing fun in the sun and days in the waves, finding the right wetsuit is essential.

    Wetsuits are generally categorized by the thickness of the material being used in the wetsuit: the higher the number, the thicker the material. This is why a 5/4 performs better in colder water than a 3/2. Finding your ideal thickness will be the first step in choosing the right women’s wetsuit, as you will want to maximize both core warmth and flexibility. By choosing the right thickness, you won’t have to sacrifice form or function.

    In general, for Southern California's year-round moderate temps, a 4/3 or 3/2 can get you through most of the year in comfort. While more advanced surfers will want a number of wetsuits to maximize performance, many novice or intermediate surfers rely on one suit for both winter and fall conditions.

    Choosing the right women’s fullsuit doesn’t have to be rocket science. Once you have decided on your desired thickness, you can move on to more specific function and sizing specifications. Hansen’s online wetsuit buyer’s guide and expert staff can help guide you in sizing choices and help you to find the perfect suit for your budget and technical needs.

    Women’s wetsuits have come a long way in the last decade and are now being built with the same amount of technical expertise and high quality materials as men’s wetsuits, without sacrificing style.

    Shop Hansen’s today for the very best in women’s O’Neill Wetsuits, Rip Curl Wetsuits and Xcel Wetsuits.