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Womens Jackets and Vests

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    School’s out for summer, the surf van is loaded with single fins and everything smells like sunscreen. San Diego’s summer months are filled with good times and great vibes, and while the winter might hold bigger and more frequent swell, it’s hard to beat a great summer session.

    Every female surfer knows how liberating it is to go from a thick winter fullsuit to the freedom of surfing in a bikini bottom and women’s wetsuit jacket or surf vest. While summer in Southern California can call for bikini weather, many mornings, evenings and windy days require a women’s wetsuit jacket or surf vest for comfortable sessions.

    While most surfers and water enthusiasts rely on either a 3/2 womens fullsuit or 2mm springsuit for colder days in the spring and early summer, wetsuit jackets and surf vests offer the optimal warmth and mobility for days when the water and air temp is just a little too cool for a bathing suit. Ranging from 2mm to 0.5mm, wetsuit jackets and vests are just enough to keep your core warm and sessions enjoyable.

    Wetsuit manufacturers have also started to design women’s wetsuit jackets and surf vests with style in mind, meaning that you can not only stay comfortable and warm, but also look good doing so!

    Wetsuit jackets and vests are also ideal for Stand Up Paddle enthusiasts and anyone visiting California who is looking for an affordable and comfortable neoprene layer that not only retains warmth while in the water, but that also offers much needed sun protection.

    To find the perfect wetsuit, use our wetsuit buyer’s guide, stop in, or call us so our knowledgeable staff can assist you in the buying process. Hansen Surfboards carries the very best wetsuit brands including Xcel Wetsuits, O’Neill Wetsuits and Rip Curl Wetsuits.